Monthly MDT meetings
A core function of the NHP is to provide a monthly MDT meeting where complex cases from across the country can get evidence-based guidance on individual patient care and sound clinical and professional learning.
The MDT is also a forum for authorising specialist, new and novel use of therapies, such as Stem Cell Transplantation, Gene Therapy and monoclonal antibodies. The NHP welcomes referrals from physicians caring for Sickle Cell, Thalassaemia and Rare Inherited Anaemia patients, though advises the preference for cases to be discussed first in the HCC MDT where possible.
Useful MDT information & Documents
Complex cases and high cost treatment approvals should be referred to the NHP. Referrals need to be sent in to address on the referral form at least 8 days before the MDT Date.
Further Information
References, Identifiers & Information Governance
Click here for Information Governance document regarding patient information for MDTs
Referral Pathway
Click here for the referral pathway guide.
NHP MDT Meeting Dates
This takes place monthly online, on alternate Mondays and Wednesdays from 1600hrs to 1800hrs. See dates below.
- Nov-24 Monday 25.11.2024
- Dec-24 Wednesday 18.12.2024
- Jan-25 Monday 27.01.2025
- Feb-25 Wednesday 26.02.2025
- Mar-25 Monday 24.03.2025
- Apr-25 Wednesday 23.04.2025
- May-25 Monday 19.05.2025
- Jun-25 Wednesday 25.06.2025
- Jul-25 Monday 28.07.2025
- Aug-25 Wednesday 27.08.2025
- Sep-25 Monday 22.09.2025
- Oct-25 Wednesday 22.10.2025
- Nov-25 Monday 24.11.2025
- Dec-25 Wednesday 17.12.2025